48. ročník karlovarského filmového festivalu je za námi a já
si ho jako vždy moc užila! Atmosféra nezklamala a výběr filmů se povedl.
Těžko říct, zda byla lepší chorvatská komedie, japonské drama nebo
nevšední slovinská love story. Přesto, že jsem i letos nocovala ve
stanu, snažila jsem se nedělat kompromisy alespoň v oblékání. Celý
festival se nesl v nekonečně minimalistickém stylu a proto i já zvolila
černo-bílé outfity. V úterý jsem oblékla top s kachničkami, ve středu
rozevlátou sukni s úžasným náhrdelníkem z porcelánu a králičího ocásku,
čtvrtek jsem strávila v oversize košili a pátek patřil retro šatům..
48th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival is over, and I enjoyed it very much! The atmosphere didn´t disappoint and movie selection was good. Hard to say whether it was better to Croatian comedy, Japanese drama or remarkable Slovenian love story. Despite the fact that this year I spent the nights in a tent, I tried not to compromise in dress. The whole festival was in the infinitely minimalist style and therefore I chose black and white outfits. On Tuesday, I put on top with ducks, on Wednesday airy skirt with amazing necklace made of porcelain and rabbit tail, Thursday I spent in the oversize shirt and on Friday I wore the retro dress..
48th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival is over, and I enjoyed it very much! The atmosphere didn´t disappoint and movie selection was good. Hard to say whether it was better to Croatian comedy, Japanese drama or remarkable Slovenian love story. Despite the fact that this year I spent the nights in a tent, I tried not to compromise in dress. The whole festival was in the infinitely minimalist style and therefore I chose black and white outfits. On Tuesday, I put on top with ducks, on Wednesday airy skirt with amazing necklace made of porcelain and rabbit tail, Thursday I spent in the oversize shirt and on Friday I wore the retro dress..
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