Ještěd je kouzelné místo..Tenhle hotel slibuje víc než jen
krásný výhled;) Takže pokud nevíte, kam na víkendový výlet, oblékněte
šaty, nasaďte klobouk a hurá do Liberce!!
Dress: H&M, bag: vintage, hat, sunglasses: market, necklace: handmade
Ještěd is a magical place..This hotel offers more than just a nice view;) So if you don´t know where to go for a weekend trip, wear dress, put on a hat and go to Liberec!!
Dress: H&M, bag: vintage, hat, sunglasses: market, necklace: handmade
Ještěd is a magical place..This hotel offers more than just a nice view;) So if you don´t know where to go for a weekend trip, wear dress, put on a hat and go to Liberec!!
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