Jestli někdo uměl nosit obrovské náušnice, byla to určitě
múza Andyho Warhola Edie Sedgwick!! Já čas od času sáhnu po těhle
úžasných z Guts & Gusto, ke kterým už stačí obléct jen jednoduché
tričko..A mimochodem, když už jsem u toho Andyho, chystáte se na jeho
výstavu v Jihočeské Alšově Galerii na Hluboké? Já si to určitě nenechám
If anyone knew how wear huge earrings, it was definitely the muse of Andy Warhol - Edie Sedgwick!!From time to time I put on these amazing from Guts & Gusto, which I usually combine just with simple dress..And by the way, while I´m talking about Andy..Are you going to his exhibition at the Ales South Bohemian Gallery at Hluboka? I can´t miss it!!
If anyone knew how wear huge earrings, it was definitely the muse of Andy Warhol - Edie Sedgwick!!From time to time I put on these amazing from Guts & Gusto, which I usually combine just with simple dress..And by the way, while I´m talking about Andy..Are you going to his exhibition at the Ales South Bohemian Gallery at Hluboka? I can´t miss it!!
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