Mám tu pro vás jen zlomek fotek jen tak z ulic, výstavy v Hamburger Bahnhof a místních butiků. Také tu jsou fotky z party v Adidas original, kde jsme se nachomýtly uplně náhodou, vypily pár drinků a vyzkoušely pláštěnku za 180 eur :D Hodně mě také lákalo omrknout proslulé KaDeWe, které by se zkráceně dalo popsat jako Pařížská v obchoďáku. Pro mě osobně to byl výlet hodně inspirativní. Berlíňanky rozhodně vědí, co si vzít na sebe a povedené módní experimenty byly k vidění často. Tady se totiž nikdo nemusí bát udivených pohledů..
It´s a common true that if people have something too close, they are still hesitant to visit that place. However, I couldn´t wait any longer with Berlin!! It´s not mere coincidence that this city is known as trendy, multicultural, vibrant, stylish. There is something for everyone. Nearly every exit from the U-Bahn promises something different.
Here's just a few photos taken just from the streets, exhibition at Hamburger Bahnhof and local boutiques. Also there are pictures of the party in Adidas original, where we emerged completely by chance, drank a few drinks and tried raincoat for 180 euros :D I was also very tempted to check out the famous KaDeWe, which would shortly be described as Pařížská street in a shopping center. For me this trip was very inspiring. Berliners definitely know what to wear and various fashionable experiments was seen frequently. This is because no one has to worry of surprised views..
Very nice!!!Berlin is an amazing place for fashion!!Spanish Pull & Bear is amazing!!!:-D Very nice blog!!
OdpovědětVymazatThank you :) Yeah I think that not only Pull & Bear is better in Spain than in the other countries!